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40 Databases Found for:Data & Statistics

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Contains links to large-scale, publicly available atlases and datasets of the brain, from humans to nonhuman primate brains. Also contains a brain cell database, lab resources and imaging resources, as well as toolkits to analyzing datasets in the collection.
Published collections of presidential sources, such as speeches, executive orders, appearances, statistical data and mapping etc. Except for recent presidents, these collections omitted many documents such as proclamations, vetoes and orders. Prior to 1945, the number of documents in the collection in any specific category may be smaller than the total in existence.
New genealogy research tool that provides instant access to a wide range of unique resources for genealogical and historical research. With more than 1.5 billion names in over 4,000 databases, Ancestry Library Edition includes records from the United States Census; military records; court, land and probate records; vital and church records; directories; passenger lists and more. These collections are continuously expanding, with new content added every business day.


Select primary source documents related to critical people and events in Black history. Contains approximately 1,600 documents focused on these six phases of Black Freedom: Slavery and the Abolitionist Movement (1790-1860), The Civil War and the Reconstruction Era (1861-1877), Jim Crow Era from 1878 to the Great Depression (1878-1932), The New Deal and World War II (1933-1945), The Civil Rights and Black Power Movements (1946-1975), and The Contemporary Era (1976-2000).
Offers graphical and tabular data about U.S. gross domestic product, personal income and outlays, corporate profits, fixed assets, income, balance of payments, investment, and annual industry data, as well as state and local numbers, and foreign trade.
From the U.S. Department of Labor the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) has ready-made tables or custom tables with data on wages, unions, employment, prices, base on demographic data, data by industry, occupation, business costs and geography, as well as data from National Longitudinal Surveys.


Authoritative analysis on the major legislation and actions of Congress. Access is from 1945-present.
Integrates a wealth of data, authoritative analyses, concise explanations, and historical material to provide a powerful research and reference tool on the American voter, major and minor political parties, campaigns and elections, and historical and modern races for Congress, the presidency, and governorships.The Collection supports course work in campaigns and elections, Congress, the presidency, and scholarly research in political science and American history.
Bibliographic index of publications in statistics, probability, and related fields. It includes data from approximately 160 core journals, 1,200 additional journals in related fields, and 11,000 books. The bulk of the content in CIS is from 1975-2017.


Data.Census.Gov, is the interface that replaces American FactFinder, This is the new portal to U.S. Census data and includes data from the American Community Survey, Population Estimates, Economic Census, and Annual Economic Surveys. Users can generate simple visualizations, extract reports, and explore census data by theme or topic.
Offers a range of data about immigrants, refugees, asylees, permanent residents, naturalizations, temporary admissions, often organized by age, country of citizenship, and port of entry. Offers a range of data about immigrants, refugees, asylees, permanent residents, naturalizations, temporary admissions, often organized by age, country of citizenship, and port of entry.
Published by the U.S. Department of Justice, offers data on crime trends with demographic breakdowns (age, race, gender, and state) from 1960 to present.


Offers data on a range of economic indicators (and other indicators) for Europe: national accounts, financial accounts, population, health, labor market, tourism, prices, balance of payment, etc. You can click on "English" for English version.


Offers data related on campaign finance: the contributors, candidates, committees and summary data.
Offers over 800 economic time-series downloadable as Excel files.


Provides a clear and unbiased perspective on what Americans think and feel about such issues as national spendi​ng priorities, crime and punishment, intergroup relations, and confidence in institutions. Covers 1972 to present.


Place to find historical data on the American population, trends in work and welfare, economic structures and performance, governance and international relations. Covers colonial times to 2000
Offers data on metropolitan areas, central cities, and suburbs. Data are from the Census of Population and Housing and FBI crime data. The only dataset still being regularly updated on this site is the Building Permits Database.


ICPSR (Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research) maintains a data archive of more than 250,000 files of research in the social and behavioral sciences. It hosts 21 specialized collections of data in education, aging, criminal justice, substance abuse, terrorism, and other fields. Users must register to download data.


Alternate Name(s):CPANDA
An archive of datasets produced from surveys about the arts and cultural policy.
Offers data on what sort of filings (domestic relations, civil, felony, criminal, traffic and juvenile) have occurred in each state.


Find research documents and statistics published by the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development, an international organization that supports democracy and a market economy. Offers standard international data (GDP, etc.), as well as more unique data series (biotechnology, broadband infiltration, etc.).
OECD Economic Surveys are periodic reviews of member and non-member economies. Reviews of member and some non-member economies are on a two-year cycle; other selected non-member economies are also reviewed from time to time. Each Economic Survey provides a comprehensive analysis of economic developments, with chapters covering key economic challenges and policy recommendations addressing these challenges.
Alternate Name(s):Trinity OneSearch
Search Trinity's catalog and beyond for books, journal articles, streaming video, news articles, primary sources and more. Log in with your Trinity library account to see full results and request materials.


An online U.S. national data and mapping tool and analytics platform with multidisciplinary applications. It is used in research related to social sciences, urban studies, real estate and housing analysis, community and economic development, public administration, public health, policy and political science, education, business, economics, statistics, and geography, among others. Users can leverage thousands of U.S. data indicators in PolicyMap to perform demographic and socioeconomic analysis, from a neighborhood census block group in many cases, up to a national level, as well as create custom regions, for their research and studies.
A non-partisan organization which collects and publishes information on national and state candidates and elected officials. Biographic information, interest group ratings, voting records, and public statements are included in each candidate's profile.
Alternate Name(s):APA PsycTESTS
Collection of psychological tests and measures. Bibliographic, plus full text and multimedia. 72% of test records contain the actual test or test items. From early 20th century to present.


Conducts frequent public opinion surveys in CT, NY, NYC, NJ, OH and PA on national political and public policy issues. An increasingly cited source for polling data and may be particularly useful for students looking for polls taken on issues related to Connecticut. 1997 - current.


Provided by the Roper Center for Public Opinion Research at Cornell University, Roper iPoll is the largest collection of public opinion poll data with results from 1935 to the present. Roper iPoll contains nearly 800,000 questions and over 23,000 datasets from both U.S. and international polling firms. Surveys cover any number of topics including, social issues, politics, pop culture, international affairs, science, the environment, and much more. When available, results charts, demographic crosstabs and full datasets are provided for immediate download.


Alternate Name(s):Data Planet
Repository of standardized and structured statistical data from Sage. Trinity subscribes to the Basic module, EASI Market Planner, and the China Data Center (Subnational Data).
Science.gov is an official website of the U.S. government providing ready access to federally funded scientific research results from across government agencies. Research results include scientific and technical reports, peer-reviewed scholarly publications, digital data, software, conference presentations and proceedings, and other scientific and technical information that federal agencies publish resulting from their research investments.
An online resource for demographic data on the United States. Information can be generated in either reports or maps. Coverage begins with the 1790 Census and continues through the recent American Community Surveys. Create an individual account (required) in order to use all the database features.


Alternate Name(s):TRAC Reports
Data and statistical information about the federal government.


Primary source for demographic publications and statistics on the United States.
Compare data across countries on data concerning poverty, health, access to water, HIV, education, telecommunications, etc.
UNESCO, the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, publishes numerous reports, newsletters and other documents on education, natural and social sciences, culture, communication and information. For data, see UNESCO Institute for Statistics: http://www.uis.unesco.org/


Data offering more than 230 tables and charts covering the full spectrum of American politics dating back to 1788. Introductory material helps readers understand and interpret statistical material, and the annotated reference guide directs users to other valuable sources on political statistics.
Updated with the most recent information available. The editors consult hundreds of sources to calculate and locate the data, facts, and figures that offer a vivid and multifaceted portrait of the broad spectrum of United States politics and policies.


'Computational knowledge engine' with the goal to make all systematic knowledge immediately computable and accessible to everyone.
Offers time-series data for 226 countries on topics ranging from GDP, education, population to water pollution, trade, taxes, income and foreign direct investment.