Citing your sources is an essential and required step in documenting what other scholars have done and said to support your paper's argument.
Citations need to be precise, consistent and with a strict attention to detail.
For your class, you are required to use MLA Style.
MLA Style uses parenthetical short references within the body of the paper and longer, full citations in a bibliography.
For example if you cited this journal article it would look like this:
Parenthetical reference in the body of the paper: "UFOs may have been visiting Earth since the time of the dinosaurs." (Smith, 72).
Bibliography citation (second line and any subsequent lines would be indented to the right. Not able to show that in this example below):
Smith, Frank. “How long have UFO's been coming to Earth.” The UFO Historical Review, vol. 64, no. 1, Spring 2010, pp. 69–88. JSTOR,
Check out our Cite Source guide for more information!