Raphael Tuck & Sons' Post Card Series No. 1077, "Hartford, Conn. Trinity College." Germany, ca. 1890-1914.
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It should be noted that users can choose to download ArtStor image groups as PowerPoint presentations, with a slide automatically created for each image in the group, and a title slide created using the name of the group.
A jpg image file of 1024 x 768 pixels, at 72ppi resolution, is commonly recommended for use in PowerPoint presentations. This is the output resolution of many projectors.
Inserting an image into a PowerPoint slide:
1 First open your presentation and select the desired slide.
2 Click on the "Insert" menu
3 Select "Picture", "From File..."
4 Navigate to where your image is located, and click on the filename.
5 Click "Insert"
6 PowerPoint will insert the image in the middle of your PowerPoint slide. If the image is too big and fills the screen, click on the page zoom button & choose a small number, enabling you to zoom out to see the entire image.
7 To scale the image without distorting it, click and hold with the left mouse button on any one of the corner "handles" & drag the handle to re-size the image smaller or bigger.
The CTDA is part of the Digital Preservation Repository Program at the University of Connecticut. It serves the entire state and is dedicated to the maintenance, delivery, and preservation of a wide range of digital resources for educational and cultural institutions and State Agencies in Connecticut.
The CTDA includes collections from:
Nearly 2 million images of art, architecture, science and technology, and other forms of visual and material culture. Represents all time periods and cultures. If you were an ArtStor user, login with your ArtStor credentials to access your saved content and groups. New users can create a free account.
To find this page directly from the JSTOR homepage, go to BROWSE --> Images.
Browse print and image materials digitized from Trinity's archives and special collections, as well as licensed collections for teaching and scholarship. View, Compare, and Zoom in JSTOR's IIIF viewer, and sort and organize into folders and groups.
To find this page from the JSTOR homepage, go to BROWSE --> Your Institution's Collections.
Discover 45,307,531 images, texts, videos, and sounds from across the United States.
A single point of access. A gateway to the cultural and intellectual riches stewarded by libraries, archives, and museums across the United States. Open to all, and only possible in the Digital Era. This was the founding vision of the Digital Public Library of America, first imagined in 2010 as an open, distributed national digital library to harness the power of collaboration to inform and empower everyone.
VADS provides a national collection of over 140,000 images from over 300 art and design collections across the UK, which are freely available for non-commercial use in education. The images cover the broad range of the visual arts including applied arts, architecture, design, fashion, fine art, and media. VADS is a service of the Library at the University for the Creative Arts (UCA).
Nearly 2 million images of art, architecture and other forms of visual and material culture. Represents all time periods and cultures. Includes online and offline tools for faculty and students.
Image: Gia Long Tomb, front facade roof details, photographed by Barbara J. Anello-Adnani, 2008.
Located in the heart of San Francisco, the museum is home to one of the world’s finest collections of Asian art, boasting more than 18,000 awe-inspiring artworks ranging from ancient jades and ceramics to contemporary video installations.
Image: Goryeo dynasty Ewer with Lid, Korean, ca. 1150-1200.
The Philip Kappel Collection of Japanese woodblock prints represents a selection of the foremost Ukiyo-e artists of the 18th and early 19th centuries.
Image: Harunobu, Suzuki (Japanese, 1725 - 1770), “Moonrise - Mother and Son,” Trinity College Library.
Explore two million years of human history in art and objects from the first national public museum of the world. The British Museum was founded in 1753 and opened its doors in 1759. It was the first national museum to cover all fields of human knowledge, open to visitors from across the world.
Image: Basket made of bark. Woven. Made by Ainu. Japan, created during the 1910 joint Japanese-British exhibition held at White City.
Image: Lobed Mirror with Heaven and Earth between the Paired Phoenixes. Chinese Tang Dynasty, Bronze. Ca. 750-799.
National Treasures and Important Cultural Properties of National Institutes for Cultural Heritage, Japan.
Image: Kongo Rikishi (Guardian) Statue. Nara period, or Tang Dynasty, China. Ca. 8th Century. Color on hollow dry lacquer.
The web site is dedicated to the gardens of Japan, and primarily to the historic gardens of Kyoto and its environs, including Nara.
Image: Chishaku-in, demonstrating the element of paths in Japanese gardens.
Image: Horse and Rider, 2nd-1st century B.C. Chinese. Western Han Dynasty. Earthenware with painted polychrome decoration.
Image: Plum Blossom, Korea, Joseon dynasty (1392-1910), 18th century. Pair of panels, stained and scorched on paper
Explore millions of objects, including 375,000 high-res, public domain images.
Image: Calligraphic galleon, dated A.H. 1180 / A.D. 1766-67 by 'Abd al-Qadir Hisari, Turkish, ink and gold on paper.
Image: Bird. Chinese, Neolithic Period (7000-2000 BCE). Green nephrite (jade).
Image: Yue Battle Ax with animal mask pattern and turquoise inlay. Late Shang dynasty (12-12th century B.C.)
Explore photos of plant species, diseases, and pests relating to forestry.
Image: Organ Pipe Cactus, James Henderson, Golden Delight Honey, Bugwood.org
Explore images, audio and video from NASA's Hubble Telescope, downloadable in various sizes and with robust metadata.
Image: Hickson Compact Group 40, April 19, 2022. SCIENCE: NASA, ESA, STScI. IMAGE PROCESSING: Alyssa Pagan (STScI)
Image databases from five federal agencies. Image subjects include agriculture, astronomy and aeronautics, biology, conservation, earth sciences (including meteorology), energy, engineering, medicine/health sciences, and miscellaneous.
Image: Tornado with dust and debris cloud forming at surface. During Sound Chase, a joint project of NSSL and Mississippi State University. Cordell, Oklahoma, 22-May1981.
Explore photo galleries, audio and video of bird species. Select multiple bird species' photos to compare!
Image: Northern Pygmy-Owl. By Eric Heisey. Macaulay Library, Washington, Jan. 28, 2017.
Browse high-res images of the Watkinson Library's staple feature: a complete double elephant folio set of Audubon’s Birds of America, accompanied by his Ornithological Biography.
Image: Great-Footed Hawk. Plate XVI (16). Peregrine Falcon. By John James Audubon, 1827-1830, London.
Photo galleries including 27 institutes and centers that compromise the NIH, Presidential visits to the NIH, historical photos of scientists, and campus photos of the main NIH buildings in Bethesda, Maryland.
Image: In 1954, NIH researchers were studying weight and blood changes in rats with folic acid deficiency. Credit: National Institutes of Health
Access over 70,000 images in NLM collections from the 15th to the 21st century.
Image: U.S. War of 1898 - Medical and Sanitary Affairs: Camp Lazear Yellow Fever buildings, Havana, Cuba.
Created by a Working Group at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the PHIL offers an organized, universal electronic gateway to CDC's pictures for the public to use for reference, teaching, presentation, and public health messages. Due to the historic nature of the images, they should not to be viewed as a source of the most current public health information.
Image: This photomicrograph depicts numerous yellow fever virions, under a magnification of 234,000X. CDC/Erskine Palmer, ph.D., 1980.