Trinity became a member of JSTOR shared collections in 2020. The Trinity collections include print, image, audio, and video materials from the Trinity College Archives and Special Collections.
Among its highlights are:
Faculty and students seeking images for courses or research may visit the institutional teaching collection and/or browse JSTOR Images, which now includes the Artstor Digital Library.
Visit the JSTOR workspace to save, describe, and organize materials for your research or courses. Collect images and text materials into folders, which can be exported as a .zip file or power point presentation.
The BePress Digital Repository launched in 2010 and showcases and provides access to scholarly and creative works by Trinity College community members, and materials from the Watkinson Library & Archives. The Repository is administered by the Library and serves as a digital archive for these works. For further information, please see the "About" section.
We collect journal articles, monographs (including chapters and edited editions), and other digital projects (podcast, media, music, visual arts).
Journal articles and digital projects will be added to our Digital Repository and can be accessed here.
Trinity's instance of Archive-It, a product of the Internet Archive, was launched in 2022 in order to capture Trinity’s web presence with a primary focus on blogs, online-only publications, and scholarship. If you don’t see something, it may already be found in the Wayback Machine (such as the library’s website, which has been captured many times since the 1990s).
For those looking to archive their own web pages or projects, Conifer is free and easy to use!